Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day of Preschool

Koben had his last day of preschool today at the park with his class. I can't believe it went by so fast! We were so lucky to find such a fantastic co-op that we all love. Koben's teachers have been so great (and beyond creative and nurturing) and he loves them to pieces.  He has made some really good "buddies" and learned a ton from preschool.  I am so grateful to have also made some good friends and find such a nice support group. It has been fun participating at school and now that I am in a co-op I would highly recommend it to anyone. MVPNS is truly one of a kind. Koben is excited to go back next year and also do a little summer camp there. I hope we stay in the area because I would love for Kellan to go there too.

Tuesday they celebrated Koben's summer birthday early and it was our last day at the actual school. Today we had a potluck at the park where they handed out pictures and a little yearbook. We also gave teacher Claire and Teacher Wilma end of the year gifts. A photo album for each of them with a picture of your child and what they said about school. For teacher Claire, Koben said "I like talking and playing with teacher Claire. I love my friends and teachers. When I grow bigger I don't want to go to a new school because I like my class and buddies." For teacher Wilma he said, "I talk with teacher Wilma. I like her hugs. Playing outside is fun and finding treasures in the sandbox. I liked the farm, but the animals were stinky because they played in the mud." :)

Some things that his preschool profile said were: Koben likes the reading loft and costumes/dramatic play.  He has friendships with the boys and girls. He is the leader at school and everyone wants to play with him (but melts when he see's mommy). Plays cooperatively in a group. Loves water and getting wet, and the garden. Also has strong hand/eye coordination (loves baseball and playing with the Kettler car). He has a love for life and people.

I can't believe my first baby just finished his first year at preschool!! Here are a couple of pictures-more to come later. The school photographer took some and will send them to us. The last one is a questionare from the teachers that was in the "yearbook"

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

Love this post, especially the yearbook questions. What a little smarty pants. Glad you found a great school! Sad to think our little preschoolers will be kindergartners before we know it!! :(. Bittersweet.
Love. & miss you guys !