Thursday, March 24, 2011

The boys in the morning

Been taking almost the same picture on the couch
so I can see how they have changed together later
on. Koben is always willing to give loves

Koben loves to play with Kellan's toys and vice-versa.
Had to put away all of Kobens smaller toys until Kellan
is bigger. No choking hazards, just in case. Sometimes
I bring them out when Kellan is napping

In the morning we play in the living room while Koben
watches a show and wakes up. And I drink coffee :-)

We put this big gate up for now and we are
working on proofing the whole house. Kellan will
not want to be contained much longer! Big bro
always hangs in here with Kellan.

Koben is watching the Upside Down Show. He
loves the show, and thinks we control it with our
remote. He watched it one night and then kept
asking for it again, so we occasionally record it

Perfectly content chillin' with mom and Kellan in the morning.
After that though he's busy, busy, busy! Boys must have
more energy than girls from what I have seen. It is
a challenge these days keeping him from running around
like a chicken with his head cut off, which of course is an
almost 3 yr old thing too. And Kellan, boy oh boy we will
have our hands full soon! He started standing on his own
here and there and walked 2 1/2 steps to Ave last night!

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

He's almost walking!? Crazy! Go Kellan!! You are going to have your hands least you know, no surprises! You'll do great, you're such a good Mama!