Thursday, March 22, 2012

St Patricks Day

For this St Patty's Day, we decided to make a leprechaun trap. I got this idea from a friend of mine, and it was a few days before so this was my ghetto version :) It was a decorated coffee container. I wasn't sure if Koben would get this or be into it, but he totally was. He was super excited and would talk about it, remind us to set it up before we left and check it. Kellan of course follwed and was very excited himself. One day the leprechaun left hats in there, and another day chocolate gold. He even dyed the toilet water green, left a trail of shamrocks and turned the milk green for the kids' cereal.

We ended up having a nice St Patty's day dinner at a friends house. The boys got to play with their friends and we ate corned beef and other yummy treats. I tried making guiness chocolate mousse. It tasted pretty good but did not set like I wanted...maybe next year

The leprechaun left a note saying, "You can't catch me!"

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

You always do such fun things with the boys... What a great Mom they have!! Love & miss you guys! Xoxo