Monday, June 6, 2011


I am so confused on what to do about Kobens binky. I'm not really too stressed about it, just trying to figure out the right way to get rid of it. I mean, he is almost three. Granted, he only uses it to sleep but has become so dependent on it. We tried last weekend to take it away (the last and only one we have). I expected it to be hard, a lot of crying, asking for it, no sleeping, possibly no nap. He took a nap without it and we thought, sweet, he's just a little upset. Oh boy, were we wrong. Putting him to bed that night was super hard, but eventually he did fall asleep.  He woke up around midnight in freak out mode. I was prepared, expected him to wake up and new it could be a long night. Well, Koben was spazzing out. Would not calm down, having a hard time breathing, coughing/choking...all that fun stuff. We put him in bed with us which calmed him down for all of about two seconds.  He was so  tired, his eyes were closed most of the time.  He was saying, "I want my binky. Get my binky. I'm tired."  He was pulling at his arms and legs and his pajamas like someone going through drug withdrawals, over and over. He would not calm down. I have to admit, at first it was just a tiny bit funny, but then it was just sad. Avery and I are laying there looking at eachother over our spastic, crying almost three year old like "crap, what do we do??" Nothing would calm him down. He wasn't yelling or anything, just totally did not know what to do without his binky and could not stay still. After an hour of this, we gave in. I was pissed that we gave in, but relieved at the same time. Grrrr! I know we need to be strong and do it. From what I've heard/read, it takes three days and then they are over it. I just didn't think he would be as bad as he was. I am so regretting not taking it away sooner. I know it is not gonna kill him to have his binky to sleep. It is comforting to him. People have told me sometimes they just give it up when they are ready. But when will that be? I don't want him to be depending on a binky for sleeping at 4 or 5. And of course everyone has their opinion on how you raise your child. I don't know. We don't know if we should wait, or try it again and just be up all night (hoping he doesn't wake his little brother) and watch him be so upset and DO NOT give in.  His binky has been chewed on like crazy and is starting to get icky and really not safe (thank you last molar). So maybe we just wait until it's about done for and just tell him that it needs to be thrown out end of story. We've tried a couple of "tricks" for getting rid of the binky and they just don't work with koben. He is too smart and just does not want to let it go. What to do, what to do...

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

Have you tried putting a small hole in it? I've heard that works... I don't know, that's tough! Hopefully he'll decided one day soon he doesn't need it. Good luck & stay strong!! ;)