Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our evening

Our nights are obviously more busy with two kiddos now. They generally consist of dinner, cleanup, wind-down time, bathtime, book, brush teeth, bedtime. Thankfully Avery is usually home by 6 to help! How do people do it with like 4 or 5 kids?!

Koben has been doing really great as a big brother. Of course he has his moments, but he is so loving with him and always wanting to help. He was helping to feed Kellan tonight and this is what he was saying to him. "Here's some num num's Kellan. Open up little guy." Starts rubbing his hair. "Your hair is so cute. Mmmm yummy." :-)

I think it's about time for a bathseat. He loves to sit in his tub but gets super excited and squirmy. I never had a bathseat with Koben but think I'll give it a try with Kellan. I would just take a bath with Koben (Great Grammys suggestion) when he was little until he was sturdy enought to be on his own in the tub. With Kellan it's just too hard because we have Koben take a bath right after him and a lot to do at night. Plus it will be fun because we can try having both of them take a bath together!


Joe and Gina said...

Lol, Koben cracks me up! I can't believe how dark Kellan's hair is, and it's starting to get thicker! I bet the two of them will have a blast taking baths together!

Marisa said...

So cute!!! Don't mom always says that it gets easier with every kid, so I can see you guys having two or three more:)...LOL!