Wednesday, February 16, 2011

8 months

Kellan has been a busy baby lately. He now crawls, sits up, pulls to standing, cruised a little along the couch, is getting better at drinking from a cup and is working on finger foods! He has changed so much! I remember around this time Koben's personality started to come out more and he was getting much more active. It went by so fast with Koben and it seems to go even faster with Kellan. He is really getting silly now, laughing at more things and at the things he does. He especially loves to play on the floor with Koben, which can get a little crazy when Koben gets excited. He is just growing, growing, growing. Can't believe he will be a year old in 4 months!!!

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

Seriously... 8 months?!?! Time flies when you're having fun, eh?